Wonderful shape! I couldn't resist this charming piece made possible by Pyrex. The color is great, too.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Wonderful shape! I couldn't resist this charming piece made possible by Pyrex. The color is great, too.
Friday, March 30, 2007
.59 x 4
Thursday, March 29, 2007
$9.99 x 4
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
.59 x 5
Monday, March 26, 2007
Wow. I had the best thrifting day ever! I was so lucky. I bought a scratch lotto ticket this morning and didn't win a thing but I think the universe had another way of rewarding me! Slowly I will reveal my lucky finds...but first, one of TWO vintage tablecloths. This one is quite stained, but I'm to the point where I just don't mind. I am glad it was used and loved and that it made its way to my collection.
Up close (will you look at the color!):
Friday, March 23, 2007
Goodwill says: Two for the price of one!
I love these Homer Laughlin cup and saucers. I love Homer Laughlin and Shenango restaurant ware, especially. This morning I joined a restaurant ware collectors forum, except I have to be honest about something: I am no good at forum navigation! I'm serious. My brain just doesn't follow threads and posts. I get confused and then I lose interest. Hopefully I will have the patience to figure out their sweet community.
Bonus photo:
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
One thing I have noticed about myself is that I like to sublimely decorate for the holidays. And you ask, how are pastel bunny lights sublime? Well, they aren't. They're kind of out there! These were in a brand new box and I am always intrigued by patio lights; the tackier...well, the better!
...Now I'm off to eat my Cadbury Mini Eggs, which are giving me a not-so-sublime donut around my midsection. Ooof!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
$50 (part two)
Regarding the previous post, Lauren asks: What does it say on the bottom?
Thanks for reminding me!
It says absolutely nothing...but I took this photograph a long time ago because the sides of the shelves do in fact say something: numbers.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
This is probably the single most fabulous thing I have ever thrifted. It is so fabulous, in fact, I haven't quite decided how to use it (you probably recognize some of those things on the shelves, no? This is where I keep my mom's plates I find for her collection, and other little homeless do-dads). I am a rotator by nature - I don't like to keep things the same for too long, so anything I put in here won't be the last word. I think someday when my white pottery collection is big enough, this would be a fine place to store it. I also thought, since it is in the kitchen nook, I could put some pantry dry goods in here - cans, glass jars filled with bulk foods, etc. I like showcasing my vintage tablecloths here, so they might stay for awhile.
Bonus: The glass doors are wavy! And the paint is such a great color I am definitely not going to touch it. Ever.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Perhaps this will be the only Vuitton I ever own; I'm fine with that! Since the Louis Vuitton City Guides debuted in 1998, I have had a distant longing for them. This set, dated 2000, was "behind the counter" at the Veteran's thrift store. I was so surprised to see them in wonderful condition.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm busy planning a trip to Antwerp.
P.S. Can we talk about the fabulousness that is the color combination of orange and navy?
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Here is my downfall as a thrifter: I am quite discriminatory when it comes to dishes of any kind! I immediately flip them over and see where they've been made - I love anything USA crafted and/or made in England. I pass up a lot, even if I like it, and it doesn't come from either place. How crazy, right? I'm retraining myself to snag things I like - not for labels, but for their function and design. This little pitcher/creamer has no markings to speak of on its underside, but I thought it would make a sweet bud vase for my tiny roses.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Again, for my mom's collection.
(The Fiestaware platter underneath is mine; it wasn't thrifted. I love Fiestaware.)
Monday, March 5, 2007
Pricey! But when you start planting dozens and dozens of herbs, they need a future home. And it would be here, in these faux terracotta pots (Rubbermaid brand; extra sturdy). They look small in the picture, but I will get sufficient use out of them for years to come...because they have so much room!
Friday, March 2, 2007
I almost passed these up, but I think I would have kicked myself in the long run, so I bought 'em. I probably shouldn't do this, but instead of hanging them, I think I'm going to turn them into flower pots.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
I like to buy new-looking paperbacks from the thrift shops. It doesn't matter if I've read them or not...if I see them in good condition and the price is reasonable, then I buy them. In this case, I was able to get Memoirs of a Geisha for ten cents. I read and passed on my copy long ago (this reminds me, I still haven't seen the movie...). Anyone want this copy? I will ship it to you if you e-mail me your address.
As far as Cold Mountain, The Dive from Clausen's Pier, and Running With Scissors...I haven't read these but they have been on my list for a long, long time. Now they are in my collection, like new!
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