Wednesday, December 30, 2009 more?
You can find out your resolution here (source). How much would I love to go camping? Oh, insanely much! Airstream dreams my friends, Airstream dreams.
Here's an update: I did get a new camera, and I have been thrifting, and each time someone comments here I am so terribly ashamed I don't blog here more! I do love this blog and I do love what this blog could be if I were more on top of things. Thank you all for visiting, even when I'm sloppy and neglect it for weeks, even months. May you all have a safe New Year's Eve and welcome 2010 with some bubbly and the blue moon. Here's to a year of thrifting your best finds and me around here lots more.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
in lieu of thrifting, some inspiration
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
.50 x 2
You know me, I find it very hard to resist a bread and butter plate, especially of the restaurant ware variety! I found two of these darling plates at a thrift shop in Portland recently. They were just calling out to me!
For inquiring minds (SOURCE):
This is a piece of TEPCO (Technical Porcelain and China Ware Co., El Cerrito, California, 1918-1968); from a Tepco catalog: "One of our employees, who spent a considerable amount of time in the Hawaiian Islands, returned to the Tepco factory and told us about this beautiful flower that grows everywhere on the islands. After seeing the hibiscus 'Tepco China' decided to use this flower in an over-all pattern, thus calling it 'Hawaiian.'" The pattern was made during 1930-1960.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I have an odd thing for office supplies, especially of the vintage sort. These stickers were found by me in my girlhood bedroom, where I was this past Thanksgiving. I can't remember where I originally scored them. I have a few theories: they came from my grandpa (my grandma used to work for an office supply company); they came from my mom (she knows about the odd thing I have); or I sniped them at a garage sale way back in the day. I can't remember! But when I stumbled upon them last week, I was just as charmed as I'm sure I originally was!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Here's the scoop: I love Christmas! I'm still growing my very small collection of decorations, therefore I do scan the holiday aisle(s) in the thrifts for small treasures. My heart swells for homemade ceramics (see Mr. Jack-O-Lantern here), and I have this vision lately to find dozens of ceramic trees to put all over my "mantle" -- a.k.a. the top of one of my cabinets -- thereby creating a forest of fancies. My grandma made a tree like this way back in the day, and it still fascinates me. Anyway, this little guy, perhaps a napkin holder at one time, might hold my holiday cards. Like I get that many! But who knows...maybe he'll bring me tons this year!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I saw this little painting propped up in a thrift store and thought I might want to hang it up in my future "reading room." Even though I doubt it was painted with Oregon in mind, those colors exactly are an Oregon beach. It was painted at least a few decades ago -- the back of the canvas indicates as such, but unfortunately it's not signed so I can't offer a little thank-you to the artist.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! ♥
Friday, November 20, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Hope your Autumn season has been crisp and that you make a fire in your fireplace in my name! We've had a very warm fall here, but that changed this morning (thankfully!). I put these Pyrex pieces out for my Halloween display and they're hanging on through what remains of Autumn. I love them altogether like this.
A few (but very few) recent trips to the thrifts turned up some goodies which I'll share here soon.
Friday, October 2, 2009
from a friend
Saturday, September 12, 2009
one for the portrait collection
As you know, I'm against online auctions. However, when Steve showed me this portrait of Maria Callas on Goodwill's auction site, I told him I had to have it, no matter what. I loved it at first sight (Amy Butler says nothing comes home with her unless she loves loves loves it, and I've adopted that too - this portrait? = loves times three italicized). Originally commissioned for a small opera house on the West Coast, its starting bid of $5 quickly turned into a pretty penny, however...I was happy to increase, increase, increase the bid.
Now, let's delight in the lip detail:
Monday, September 7, 2009
$1.29 x 3
It's Labor Day and the library is closed! And so are my favorite thrifting spots! Oh snap!
I picked up three of these darling little apple dishes at Goodwill last weekend - putting my low-budget librarian skills to work, I googled the maker and found that they're lazy Susan dishes by Hoenig of California. They are stunners. I think these'll end up filled with peppermints, or apple crisp and vanilla ice cream, whaddya say.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
a quick word on desks
Friday, September 4, 2009
I have a soft spot for paint-by-numbers. And these ones were done nicely and they're old. Which is a plus.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
book to check out someday...
While I do work in the business of recommending books, this happens to be one I've been meaning to check out...I do love handwriting.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
by the firelight
Want to make your backyard deck cooler than your front porch? I think all you have to do is make sure it has a fireplace and some homemade jam jar lanterns [also my photo source] and you're good to go party out back. I'd try to make some jam jar lanterns, but the instructions scared me away. It's probably a lot simpler than it reads...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
it seemed like a good idea at the time
Friday, August 28, 2009
everything below i love
I'm pro-chalkboard.
If you have a chalkboard, please make sure there are messages or doodles on it at all times.
Scanned from a ReadyMade - I'm not sure which issue?
I was thrifting this morning and happened upon a woman with a cart full of Pyrex. It was the worst morning of my life! I met my match, except she had a lot of crap in her cart, too. Things yours truly would never buy. But clearly her intent was to buy the Pyrex-look. And sell it on eBay or something.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
so good together
Friday, August 21, 2009
do something creative tomorrow

School has just started here in Florida and I've been remembering the happy art days of kindergarten. I'm not sure if you were into the Berenstain Bears like me, but remember Sister Bear's classroom in the Berenstain Bears Go to School? It was a happy art place.
[photo from August/September 2008 ReadyMade]
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
going outside

Too many succulents? NEVER! Take a look at this wall, featured in Sunset (April, 2009)!
For more on the story, see this.
Monday, August 17, 2009
For all you die hard Solid Cherry fans, the original version.
I picked up those pillows at the Goodwill over the weekend. I regret I'm not sharing a detailed photo of the handiwork, because the stitching is amazing. I love these pillows so so so much -- a huge plus? They don't stink and a good lint-rolling turned up hardly anything. The message is so sweet (attention all you Mary J. Blige fans: Real Love. It's possible). And aren't those names charming? Partly why I thrift: I love to know I'm taking care of something someone once really cherished. At least I hope so.
The chairs were thrifted too -- but a ways back. They are my favorite.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
booking it

Good idea from ReadyMade [October/November 2008].
Wait a minute...that looks familiar! We use these exact book carts in my library and they are so stubborn to wheel around!
Maybe using them in a more permanent role and not what they were originally intended for - the heavy-duty carting of books - isn't such a bad idea...they do come in some great colors (of course, at my library we had to go with institutional beige).
Saturday, August 15, 2009
cooling down

What else could a girl in Florida possibly wish for in the height of summer? Everything I want right now is in that picture.
Here's what I love about it:
- the light dusting of snow
- white twinkle lights (all year round, please)
- the Airstream as studio/guest house
- that warm yellow glow coming from the windows
- big freaking evergreens mixed with deciduous brown -- lovely!
- and the essence of camping out
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
for your walls

Hmmm, I'm crazy in love for this. Perfect baby gift? Coming from a librarian?
Get one here, and make it fast!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
...dreaming of...
After two years of my Pyrex collecting...I finally found a piece of Balloons! It is in excellent condition, woohoo!
Monday, June 29, 2009
the last lot?
My latest thrifting adventure happened on Saturday and I have nothing to show for it. In the Pyrex Department, there was a blue snowflake divided dish but it hadn't been treated very well in its former life, so I left it behind. A co-worker of mine gave me the above trio of Town & Country from her mom's estate. It could be the last Pyrex I get in a while, with my lousy luck!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
changing focus
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Went through my cabinets yesterday; wondered how in the world this piece managed to escape the blog? I scooped it up maybe in late '08 - I had drooled over this exact bowl at an antique store for $40 because I wanted this color/pattern so fuh-reaking badly and was almost willing to pay out-my-ass crazy for it. So glad I held out as this one came in a fraction of the price, supremely fine condition (not to mention charming and dashing) and looks good with green salads to boot.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
In regards to my collecting Pyrex, a couple things have happened:
- it has become exceedingly difficult to find
- it has become exceedingly overpriced; I've seen it "behind the counter" at a few shops
Anyway, it has been very hard to find Pyrex in *excellent* condition here for whatever reason. This Butterprint Cinderella bowl was sitting on its own today, atop a glass cabinet (holding really tacky china trying to pass as "expensive"). I couldn't believe it! I might have said come to mama! which is neither here nor there. And the price wasn't too bad, either - so what, a little inflated since my infatuation began, but I was willing.
Do you know how long it has been since I've seen decent Pyrex? Yes, obviously: I haven't blogged about it in ages!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I never ever ever ever use eBay because I'm just not wired for the stress of competitive shopping (and those shipping rates = no thank you). We lost an auction last night for a little camper (Florida weekend getaways, eventual Oregon getaways, le sigh) and I, being the sore loser I am, belly-flopped onto our bed and cried like a baby. Maybe more like a toddler. It was that bad.
How do you deal with eBay defeat? Other than avoiding it or throwing tantrums over it like me?
How do you deal with eBay defeat? Other than avoiding it or throwing tantrums over it like me?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Scored this pair of sunglasses at the Salvation Army. They may have been less than a dollar, but definitely no more. And let me tell you: they rule! The frames were made in France, the lenses in Japan. I swore to myself once I would never wear any shades with white frames. See what living in south Florida will do to a girl?
Friday, February 6, 2009
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