Saturday, March 14, 2009


butterprint / cinderalla / 443

In regards to my collecting Pyrex, a couple things have happened:
  1. it has become exceedingly difficult to find
  2. it has become exceedingly overpriced; I've seen it "behind the counter" at a few shops
Steve says, "it became hard to find because you blog about it!" I only wish I had that many readers; I think it just became popular here where it wasn't so much before...I've never met my match in a thrift store, so whoever you are, scooping up all the Pyrex in South must have quite the collection by now! Or, are people holding onto their Pyrex in these economic dire straits? I can't blame them.

Anyway, it has been very hard to find Pyrex in *excellent* condition here for whatever reason. This Butterprint Cinderella bowl was sitting on its own today, atop a glass cabinet (holding really tacky china trying to pass as "expensive"). I couldn't believe it! I might have said come to mama! which is neither here nor there. And the price wasn't too bad, either - so what, a little inflated since my infatuation began, but I was willing.

Do you know how long it has been since I've seen decent Pyrex? Yes, obviously: I haven't blogged about it in ages!


Vonlipi said...

I think that Pyrex comes in waves. Last year I found tons at the Salvation Army, but since December it's been slim pickings!!! I hope things will pick up shortly...

Cynthia said...

Here in Texas, Pyrex is getting harder to find. I finally found a decent piece and paid $5 for the small bowl.