Wednesday, October 24, 2007

elbow grease

I thought I'd mix things up for once and post something a little different than what I usually do.

Read on:

If you've been following the photographs in my blog, I'm sure you've noticed this table at one time or another and you probably thought to yourself, ewww! Disgusting! You actually eat on that thing? Back story: This table is my baby. I bought it when I got my first apartment here in Florida. It was around $12 and painted gold until I could scrape all remnants of that away. I know now that it is nothing special in terms of quality, but for some reason I have it on a pedestal in terms of thrift finds; I loved it then and I still do. Of course, it was in much better condition when I first found it -- over the last five years, it has really suffered from coasterless-beverage disease as evidenced here:
I thought I'd do something about that this weekend, so I did some very involved Google research (*laugh*) and found two down-home remedies worth trying. First, I tried ironing out these spots. Nothing! Happened! Then I did what I already knew of but was avoiding because, well, mayonnaise is messy and stinky! However, I covered the table in a thin layer of mayo and sealed it in with plastic wrap to keep it moist (also, my dog and cats were ready to eat the table):
This worked great -- yes, there are still some spots and I'm sure if I were more patient I could have kept the table sealed much longer than 30 minutes:
Steve and I are in the process of making a table from a salvaged cypress door that will eventually replace this one...but I think I might save this one for my desk? Or sewing table? A circle shape isn't the most efficient form for a table, but did I mention this thing is on pedestal?


Lauren said...

It looks amazing! I love this table too. Even when it was looking a little worse for wear. It's all character!

Cynthia said...

Wow. Mayo did all of that! The table is looking good.