Wednesday, March 23, 2011

real estate

So many things are going on and none of them thrifting, and yet I yearn to have something new to show around here...

Well, here's something.  It was built in 1929, and we are moving in to it very shortly:


Paulette said...

How lovely!

Erin {Erin Ink} said...


Alyssa Bee said...

Ahhh- there's just something so magical about the architecture of that era!

ana @ i made it so said...

hi madge, i was using my reader when i commented on your pyrex post. i didn't realize you'd posted to pyrexcollective, which might explain why my comment about your house over there might've seemed a bit out of place. woops.. hope that's ok!

(baaa.. that's me feeling a bit sheepish)

anyway, just loving the photo. the house sounds wonderful.

kimberlina said...

so. freaking. exciting!!!

are you done moving? all settled? george loving it?

Unknown said...

There's some great photography on your blog. I also like the deals :) I'm a thrift store-goer myself.

hapi said...

Hi Madge, Nice blog! How to add the Glitter Effect Mouse Pointer to your Blog

Julie said...

Are you in your new place yet??? Have missed ya! Have a Happy 4th of July!!!

.......... said...

madge... we both have big black dogs, chubby babies with dimples, and built in 1929. we're soulmates! just sayin'. congrats :)