solid cherry {a thrifting blog}
Sunday, March 18, 2012
around the abode
I became acquainted with these two apples over the weekend; they're glass and golden delicious!
Lately, we've been playing with paint and terrariums, so here they are together:
Hope you've had a lovely weekend.
Friday, February 24, 2012
at home
Popping in to share another source of inspiration...checked out via my public library. And let's ooh and ahh over the cover. I know...for most of you, this book is very old news! Let's look at that the cover: at HOME. That's usually where I am. But some of my rooms need help, and I think I promised more than once to share the progress of moving into our place -- which will have been a year ago very soon -- so I'm working on that.
Folks, I haven't purchased anything secondhand in way too long. Well, let me take that back: I got some denim earlier this week at one of my favorite thrifts. A departure from my usual loot -- which, by the way, is impossible to find (sad!).
I should be here more frequently and might move things around a bit.
Hope you've all been well. xoxo
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
another really great library book
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
not just lorem ipsum
I did get a little jacket for George at a thrift shop yesterday. For $2.50. I don't know why, but I am totally proud of this jacket I found. We have two trips in the works (Montana in September and Oregon in October), and I'm starting to put together a cold-weather wardrobe for my very, very Florida boy. I don't want to spend a ton of money on it, either...since we don't have much use for the long sleeves (yet). I haven't taken a picture of this jacket, but I will soon.
Friday, August 12, 2011
(Can't find my camera's battery charger, so...this was taken with my Droid's Vignette app.)
I am lucky, lately, finding hand painted treasures. This happens to be a tiny one - 4" square at the most - the back is signed by a George Glenn and dated 1945. "Maple Sugar Time, Quebec." If I could jump into the canvas, I would. Art transporter! Let's see if we can't create one of those.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
$2.99 - gifted

A Taste of Oregon is a Junior League publication that my mom uses a lot in her kitchen. She found this one for me at a Goodwill in Portland (home sweet home, sigh!) for $2.99 (my mom always leaves the price tag on "good deals" - love!). It arrived a couple of weeks ago; I'm waxing nostalgic.
{See that orchid? I bought it on a whim a couple of years ago. Thanks husband for keeping it alive.}
Well, if you have a library card, dude!
I just checked this out from the library (how had I never seen this one?!) and let me tell'd be worth your while to check your local stacks. I might have to buy this one.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
primary school

Before I moved, I took some photos of my Pyrex before it went into boxes. Here's one such photo. And here are some suggested talking points:
- Never buy Pyrex that has been loved or misused too much. Well, you certainly can, but I don't!
- Turquoise! Red! Yellow!
- (empty bullets for you)
Monday, July 4, 2011
She's a really great painting albeit bizarre subject for my tastes. She's 12" x 16", oil on canvas, unsigned. I bought her yesterday at a new-to-me thrift store (sadly, no Pyrex). Still deciding where to put her...
I haven't been out much to the thrifts lately...but there's never any Pyrex. EVER! The supply has officially dried up, or some other sneaky thrifter is scoring it all and blogging about it in a parallel universe! Grrr! While my collection is bursting at the seams, I wouldn't mind rescuing some pieces from the hands of amateurs.
We moved into our new home but it is still "coming together" -- with our little George running around these days we don't get much done except diapers! Erm, there *might* be some boxes left that are still sealed with packing tape.
George turned 1 on June 12, and he's awesome:
Here's to happy thrifting, and hopefully I'll be around here more! xoxo
p.s. Happy Independence Day, of course!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
real estate
Well, here's something. It was built in 1929, and we are moving in to it very shortly:

Saturday, March 5, 2011
*just* George
Oh jeez, I still haven’t been out thrifting. But I think about it constantly! Luckily, my Pyrex collection is at a good place. I mean, I have enough of it to keep me happy. Even though I wouldn’t mind more, more, more!
George will be nine months old next Saturday. He’s been on the move since January and I can barely keep up! And yes…the joke is on me! Can’t you tell!?
Missing y’all!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
happy new year
Wow…I haven’t been here in a while and I certainly haven’t found any spare time to thrift. I’m still figuring out life as a working mom. But George’s easy-going, super-happy-smiley disposition makes it pretty easy for me to be a mom!
I hope all of you rounded out the year with plenty of fun scores. I was going to share some sexy Pyrexy from a couple of months back but never found a chance! I’ll get there.
Our house is under contract and we’re looking to move. So there’s that! I’m sure my blogging adventures with that will bring me back here more often.
Love to you all – here’s to the most prosperous New Year ever! And when I say prosperous you know what I mean: viva la Pyrex!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I went thrifting once the entire month of November! D’oh! I do have something to show for it, though…so stay tuned.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
working you do it?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
crazy October

George turned 4 months on October 12...where has the time gone?! He's a healthy little chunk of a baby and extremely smiley.
I haven't been inside a thrift shop in a few weeks! I've gone back to work part-time and while it is all sorts of wonderful to be back in the library, I'm adjusting to the squeeze of working every Saturday. In addition to that, life is crazy at present! Just plain 'ol crazy! And tomorrow I'm turning 31! Again I ask you: where has the time gone!?
Happy Halloween to all of you - I hope your Pyrex is the first thing the Trick-or-Treaters see when you open your doors!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
$400 cash money

The big bucks! Last month, we snatched up this Quovis Work Table via Craigslist. A pretty penny for our budget, but undoubtedly, we'll have it for a long time. Stainless. Rolls around from room to room. Hah! It's parked in our tiny dining space for now.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
4 @ .25 ea

Madge's requisites for thrifting bread and butter plates:
- made in USA (check)
- grey, light blue, or white in color or any variation thereof (check)
- pattern must make me smile (check)
New Followers! I appreciate your patronage. Welcome. Browse. Let loose!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
solid cherry plans for montana
On a different note, I’m going to Montana for Christmas. My husband’s family has its perks: a beautiful second home in the Wild West. Since I live in a very warm place, my stash of winter clothes is a little *pathetic*. George doesn’t even have a stash!! I’m planning on second-handing my winter wardrobe. So I’ll let you know how that goes. Here is my inspiration, from two Christmases ago, when I found myself celebrating the season in MT:

Looks like I'll need, in the very least, a dash of red. :) Or, shall I say, cherry. Cheery cherry.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
more jumbo
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
cooling down
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
good morning!

Much to my mom's chagrin, I was never very good at setting the table properly! But I do love dishes!
These are some things from past thrift adventures - my collection of tableware tends to be grey, light blue, and white, and American made! I decided to take a coffee break with these little pretties. You see that monogrammed napkin? I grabbed a bunch of those on my honeymoon trip to the Biltmore (V for Vanderbilt, woo!). Nothing like a free, chichi souvenir (a thrifter's dream)! Oh, and George was enjoying our coffee break, too:

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Happiness is thrifting a grey teapot! This is now my second Waechtersbach teapot!! The other one I have is pictured below (though the original story on it is here if you’re interested). I took George with me on this particular thrifting adventure. This teapot will forever be known as Georgie’s! Of course he’ll probably drink coffee like his mama…
And here’s my boy – what a bruiser! Doesn’t look like he’s going to let me call him Georgie for long! :)
Monday, September 6, 2010

I found these cups last week and took them home with me because of their Airstream-ability. Yes, I'm buying things for my someday-Airstream. I just didn't realize how cool they were until I brought them home. Made in USA. The metal handles slip out for storage (that's a guess). And they are plastic fantastic. Hot cocoa, marshmallows, campfire. Anyone care to join me?